Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cakes and Cherry Creek Arts Festival

As promised, here are some pictures of the Wedding cakes that Jen DeKorte (my neighbor) and I have done so far. We really enjoy doing this and it's a fun-- and well paying!-- hobby for us.

This is the first wedding cake we did back in March

This one is just me-- for John David's birthday party in May

This was in June, and they put flowers on it after we took the picture.

I don't have a picture for our July or Aug cake yet but you can click on this link to see the one for Aug: http://www.jakeandstephaniewedding.photoherald.com/index.php?id=60&wedding_id=132863¤t_photo_id=29

We do birthday cakes too.

This one is my fav so far. It's made to look like wraped boxes filled with chocolate

Also, back in July, we went to a huge art show in Cherry Creek/ Denver, CO. Our friends, the DeKortes (Eric and Jen, our neighbors, also are talented artist specializing in functional art) got into the show, and I thought I would show some pics to promote them. If we could we would buy all of their pieces. They are just our style.

For more information on their works and how to purchase go to: www.DeKorteWorks.com

Monday, September 03, 2007

Our Camping Trip and Missing Home

So with the new arrival of a nephew we haven't seen, my mom getting a new job at a school I haven't visited, a little brother going off to college, and many other things we are not a part of... we have been missing home a lot lately. We wish so badly we could come home whenever we wanted to see family and friends. I hope I can get better at blogging consistently and then you all can at least know more of what's going on with us.

We are settling in to a routine with David working 60 hours a week. I have had a lot of cakes lately, pictures to come :) And we are enjoying our neighborhood. Our good friends and neighbors actually had a new baby boy, Grayson, on my birthday.

Below is a picture of me and David on my birthday. He took me to Denver where we went shopping at my new favorite store, The Container Store.... if you don't have one near you I recommend shopping online- it's worth it! And then we found this neat French Bistro off 16th street mall. It was amazing and very authentic. We only got one pic though-- sorry.

We went camping this past weekend. We live in Colorado and we have only been camping twice since we moved here. We had a great getaway weekend and we were very blessed by it. We also, as you may notice in the pictures, were on a slope the whole time. You know how if you go on a bunch of roller coasters or go skating and you feel like you are still moving the same way for a few hours afterward. Well, we felt like we were leaning forward all day yesterday after spending 24 hours and sleeping on our hill!

Click on the video and see a panoramic of the area where the trail head was.